A List of Simple Examples
A Basic Greeting Component
Some things to note:
- Reason's
statements are implicit so you don't need to writereturn
. It'll always be the last item in the block - Reason has labelled parameters (arguments) that are prefixed by a tilde, eg:
- Since everything in ReasonReact is typed, we need to wrap our message in
/* Greeting.re */
let make = (~message) => <h1> {React.string(message)} </h1>;
Usage in another file. Looks very similar to JSX in Javascript!
/* ... */
<Greeting message="Hello World!">
/* ... */
A Component with Optional Arguments and React.Fragment
let make = (~title, ~description=?) =>
/* React.Fragment works the same way as in React.js! */
<h1> title </h1>
/* Handling optional variables where you don't want to render anything */
switch (description) {
| Some(description) => <span> {React.string(description)} </span>
/* Since everything is typed, React.null is required */
| None => React.null
A Form Component with React.js Differences
let make = () => {
/* unused variables are prefixed with an underscore */
let onSubmit = _event => Js.log("Hello this is a log!");
/* onSubmit=onSubmit turns to just onSubmit */
<form onSubmit>
/* class names work the same way */
/* type_ is underscored b/c its a reserved word in Reason */
/* No braces {} needed! */
placeholder="Game Code"
<button type_="submit"> {React.string("Button label")} </button>
A Component that Renders a List of Items
This component uses Belt, from melange.
/* We define the type of the item (this is a record) */
type item = {
id: string,
text: string,
let make = (~items) =>
->Belt.Array.map(item =>
<li key={item.id}> {React.string(item.text)} </li>
/* Since everything is typed, the arrays need to be, too! */