Getting started
This section of the docs is all about quickly setting up a Reason development environment up and running.
Get an overview of Reason
type schoolPerson =
| Teacher
| Director
| Student(string);
let greeting = person =>
switch (person) {
| Teacher => "Hey Professor!"
| Director => "Hello Director."
| Student("Richard") => "Still here Ricky?"
| Student(anyOtherName) => "Hey, " ++ anyOtherName ++ "."
module Intro = {
let make = (~person) => {
<p> {React.string(greeting(person))} </p>
This snippet includes [@react.component] which comes from reason-react
For an introduction to most language features check out the overview
Try Reason in your browser
To start immediately an online REPL is available at or open the playground
Install Reason
Install Reason on your computer to start writing Reason applications. Check the installation for a more detailed guide.