Reason 3.1.0 Released
Special shout-out to this version, as it fixes many bugs and comes with some long awaited features. As always, the changes are in Special highlights:
- New pipe sugar allows inserting argument at arbitrary position:
[1, 2, 3] |> map(_, a => a + 1) |> keep(_, a => a === 2)
. Basically ES2030. - Tired of seeing
[@bs] foo(bar, baz)
for uncurrying? Use the new version to refmt your code to automatically format it intofoo(. bar, baz)
! - Trailing comma for everything, final function body item now formats to a trailing semicolon,
extension sugar, fixes for comments, JSX, etc.
Get the new version through reason-cli and through BuckleScript's bs-platform 2.2.2. Have fun!